Annem, kız kardeşim veya karım sokakta yürürken rast gele 35 suç dosyalı itin birinin silahlı silahsız saldırısına uğrarken. Madenlerde ölmemek için hakkımı ararken tekme tokat dövülürken. Zorla gönderildiğim x cemaatinde istismara uğrarken. Sadece cinsel kimliğimi haykırmam yüzünden darp edilirken. Atanmış rektör istemiyorum dediğim için okuluma alınmazken. Yobazlar tarafından yılbaşı eğlencemin içini sıçıldığı için yardım istediğimde. 5 yaşında olmama rağmen benden 40 yaş büyük bir hayvanla evlendirildiğimde. Çok üşüyorum ölmek istemiyorum diye sokakta donarak öldüğümde. Ben bunun içinmi gazi oldum bu süreç ihanet sürecidir dediğim için haklarım elimden alınırken. Ben oy verdiğim seçilmişlerin birer birer içeriye tıkılırken ve kayyum atanırken. Ben bebek katili neden dışarıya çıkarmak istiyorsunuz dediğimde. Ben otelde yandığımda cesedimi neden pişmiş tavuk reklamlı araçta bekletildiğini sorduğumda. Ben depremde enkaz altında yardım beklerken. “BEN ADALET NEREDE” nerede dediğimde ortalıkta olmayan kadim devlet, benden binmediğim çürük arabamın vergisini istiyor…
I was wandering into the fossdroid store to substitute some of my gplay apps with opensource ones. A problem I encountered is that 50% opensource apps have an icon that sucks, 25% don't even have one, and just 25% have a decent icon.
I might be shallow but I think icons are important for the wider adoptions of apps, it's the first thing people see. Also, maybe on pc it is less of a problem since much (in Linux particularly) is launched without even having to interact with an icon. But on android how good/explicative an icon is directly determines how fast you can track and open it.
Enough bitching and to a possible solution, my girlfriend is a graphic designer and I had her make a couple of icons to donate to developers of apps I use, we gave them a bunch of variations and they chose which one they preferred and told us what to tweak. Nothing special, it took her less than half an hour, and it was a fun activity for use to think about it. Obviously it wasn't a professional work but better than nothing for a project that right now doesnt have the resources to commission a professional.
I feel that if thwre were an easy way for people to donate icons many studenta/graphical designers would do in their spare time, just to exercise and maybe create a portfolio.
What do you guys think?
Good evening lovely people.
I am here since i followed the available advice on YouTube etc. and it didn't work.
I used to be skinny for 20 yrs of my life, i gained weight during the end of 2023. Since all of it was due to my unhealthy eating habits, I didn't like the gain. It felt uncomfortable and i felt like a stranger in my own body. I decided to lose weight. I stopped eating junk food. Worked out at home using YouTube videos. But I cannot make the fat around my arms go away. They ruin my confidence, since I look very skinny but my arms look out of place. How do i lose the stubborn weight around that area? Help me out!!!
I eat fruits, go on calorie deficit diet. I do rope skipping, go on long runs, when i feel i am gaining unwanted weight.
Just had a conversation with someone on another sub which borderline got me close to doxxing them because of how pissed off I was feeling. Basically, I am an AMAB enby, all my life (since I was incredibly young), I knew I was only attracted to cis men. But then when the whole gender theory boom occurred around 2021 which brought it into the mainstream, I then realized my own identity as I've been dealing with the fact that I didn't feel 100% male or 100% female for years and I never knew the terms for it before. But I also realized that, simply put, I'm romantically attracted to anyone (with a preference for male-presenting people so more biromantic) but, sexually I'm attracted to anyone with a cock pretty much. Idk if there was a nicer way to say that but this is where the issue began.
I made a post to r/AskLGBT where I explained my situation and asked if I could have any advice as for what my sexual/romantic orientation would be as it was playing quite heavily on my mind. But there was an issue. I've never spoken in that sub before and I didn't want to outwardly say the words 'sexually attracted to people who have a penis/cock, regardless of gender identity' because there were minors in the sub and they had no rules about NSFW questions (even though it isn't NSFW but whatever, can't be too careful on this site nowadays). So instead I just labelled it as 'AMAB people', which includes cis guys, pre-SRS trans women and pre-SRS/AMAB enbys so I could avoid any issues that may possibly arise because of it. Little did I know I was a fucking idiot as that only caused issues.
There was one person in the thread, I'll call them Z. Z said "sex should be irrelevant if you're attracted to someone, if they present themselves as a certain gender then you should love them, address them and respect them by that. being sexually attracted on someone solely based on their genitalia is extremely transphobic". I agreed with a point on there, if someone came to me and said "can you address me by these pronouns" I absolutely would, I don't have any issues with that at all. But calling me transphobic (when I'm trans myself) simply because I'm sexually attracted to a specific set of genitalia is insane. The conversation went back and forth a bit going over different points and this was while I was on a VC with some friends and they told me this cunt was just 'ragebaiting' but I bit it like a fish to bait. At one point, I clarified to a much friendlier person in the thread what I actually meant by 'AMAB' and that I was skeptical to say it because I didn't know how sexually explicit I was allowed to be on the sub. They took that very kindly and gave me an honest answer to my original question which I'm super grateful for. But this Z character kept on pushing and prodding claiming I was 'transphobic' for my sexual preference. They made one point on a tangent saying "oh but what about trans women who have had SRS, would you be attracted to them?" and I said "no, romantically then possibly but sexually? they are a woman with woman genitalia so no I wouldn't be attracted to them". Then some shit made me explode.
They called me a 'chaser' because of this comment. I said I was attracted to anyone with a cock, regardless of how they identify, how tf does that make me a chaser?
Z was clearly just ragebaiting but holy hell did it piss me off. One of the most active posters in that sub too and almost always gets downvoted from what I see.
Anyways that was it, just wanted to rant, not really a message towards this. Just don't fall for ragebaiting virgins like I did and you'll probably be fine.
I have 3x sour black cherry haze , 3x terpsneeze, 2x grand exchange, and 2x SLAMberry, i was going to do jehovas witness but i swapped them for terpsneeze, probably do jehovas witness next time 😊
Ablakcsere helyett felmerült a régi, dupla keretes ablakok felújítása.
Tudtok erről tapasztalatokat írni?
Esetleg szakembert ajánlani (Dél-Budán), vagy azt, hogy mire kell figyelni ha ilyen szakembert keresek?
I watched a video about the Shot Show line up for Benchmade and I didn't see anything exclusive for the Shot Show. Does anyone know if they are releasing a Shot Show exclusive?
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Buongiorno a tutti, ho di recente fatto una proposta d'acquisto per un immobile, da lì a pochi giorni l'agenzia mi ha informato che un'altra persona ha presentato a sua volta una proposta, più alta, per lo stesso immobile. Posso chiedere all'agenzia di visionare la proposta dell'altra persona o possono decidere di non mostrarmela?
لما أسمع بالصداقات الإلكترونية أتساءل شلون تصير، لأني ما عندي حياة وأقضي وقت كثير على السوشال ميديا ومع ذلك ولا مره تعرفت على شخص وصرنا "أصدقاء"، ومرات أسمع بصداقات إلكترونية قوووية يعني يعرفون كل شيء عن بعض ويسافرون عشان يقابلون بعض، ليه ذا الشيء ما يصير لي وجع
من تحليلي أظن السبب يكون إنهم يحبون شيء معين، مثلًا أنمي، لعبة، فن معين ثم يصيرون صدق أصحاب ؟ مدري، أنا ما عندي شيء أحبه ولا أنتمي لمجموعة معينة ممكن هذا هو السبب
عمومًا عطونا قصصكم :)
Hi folks - I am doing a remodel of my kitchen, and something I have dreamed about is having a built in griddle that can be used with metal utensils. However, there are a few cons I see to this:
\- Costly
\- Takes up space that's not always used
\- Dirty without a hood over it
So I'm considering just buying something portable - however I would rather avoid something non-stick that I can't use metal spatulas on. I'd also like something large that can do a lot of things at once. Does anyone have any suggestions for something that might fit that bill?